2024 Village Electric Aggregation Program

For Immediate Release:

East Canton, Ohio (2024) – Opt-out letters will be mailed to current and newly eligible accounts in the electric aggregation program the week of January 12th. The Village’s current fixed rate of 4.93 cents/kWh for electricity generation will continue until the March 2025 meter reads.

The program offering has been a low, stable alternative for residents over the past 3-years and will continue to be a valuable option for the 4th year of the term. For current participants wishing to continue or newly eligible accounts wishing to begin participating in the aggregation program, no action is needed in response to the letter you receive. Only those wishing not to participate in the program should respond to their opt-out letter. The mailer will explain the low offer the Village negotiated and the means to opt out should a customer not want to participate in the program. Residents will have 21 days to return an opt-out form to Energy Harbor if they decide not to participate.

Any residents who have already chosen a supplier will not receive a letter and, by law, are not eligible to be automatically included in the aggregation program. These residents can still join the program if they wish and get the same rate, terms, and conditions as their neighbors, but they will have to contact Energy Harbor at 866-636-3749 to enroll. Before doing so, you should read your current contract, as many have early termination fees if you leave before the end of your agreement.

The Village is pleased to have made this program possible but asks that you do not call the Village offices. They are not equipped to handle a large volume of calls. Any residents with questions about their letter or status in the aggregation program should contact Energy Harbor at 866-636-3749.