August 11, 2023


RE: Chip and Seal Project

The Village Chip and Seal project will start on Monday, August 14th. The duration of the project will be dependent upon the weather. The following streets will be impacted on different days throughout the project:


  • Summit St.
  • Hartford St.
  • N Market St. (Nassau to Noble)
  • Poplar St.
  • Shadyside Dr.
  • Belvior Dr. NE
  • W Walnut St. (Plum to Cedar)
  • W Noble St. (Summit to Werley)
  • High St. NW
  • Browning Ct.
  • Orchard St. NE
  • S Werley St.
  • Bundy Ave E
  • Motts Ave

To expedite the efforts, residents are urged to proactively relocate vehicles typically parked on the street to alternative locations.

We understand the inconvenience this causes those relying on on-street parking and the overall traffic flow through the village. We appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation during the upcoming period.

Chip sealing applies liquid asphalt and rock material (or aggregates) to a roadway, followed by a protective coating. It is a preventive maintenance operation designed to extend a roadway’s practical surface life by five to 10 years, depending upon traffic volumes and climate. This large project is necessary to ensure the village streets are sound and serves as a stop-gap measure. As was previously mentioned in the village newsletter, moving forward, the village will be budgeting for smaller areas of streets to be done in asphalt annually.

Please reach out if there are any questions. I can be reached at 330-488-0220 ext. 4 or