Village Income Tax Department
Tax Director
Casandra Strobel
Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays
Phone: 330.488.0220 (option #6)
The East Canton Income Tax Department will be using Capital Recovery Systems Inc as our collection attorneys in conjunction with the Canton City Small Claims Court to collect outstanding taxes and prosecute non-filers.

Please Make Checks or
Money Orders Payable:
Village of East Canton
Village Hall
130 Cedar St., S.
East Canton, Ohio 44730
Monday through Friday
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
The Village of East Canton has a 1.5% income tax, established on Jan. 1, 2004. Village taxes are due on April 15, 2023. Failure to file by April 15, 2023, will result in a $25.00 monthly late filing fee (maximum $150.00).
The Village of East Canton has mandatory filing for all residents. This means anyone 16 years of age or older must file a tax return. ( If employed within the village or outside the village) If you are a senior citizen or disabled, you only have to fill out the Village Tax form once stating you are retired or disabled and have no taxable income. Please notify the Village Tax Department if you move.
They are also required to file: All residents who conduct a business operation within the village or outside the village, including rental property. All non-resident businesses that perform(s) operations within the village must file a tax return.
Please click on the buttons below to download the necessary tax forms, which may be downloaded and printed.