Village Recycling Program

Solid wastes are the discarded leftovers of our advanced consumer society. This growing mountain of garbage and trash represents not only an attitude of indifference toward valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and public health problem.


Community Recycling Bins Are Marked

Recyclable materials may be dropped off behind the Fire Dept.

Osnaburg Township Fire Dept #1
110 Church Street W.
East Canton, Ohio 44730

Acceptable Materials

Cardboard, Paper/ Food Boxes, Metal Cans, Glass, Plastic Bottle

Incorporating Recycling into Your Life

Most families in America do essential recycling by separating plastics, and aluminum cans from their other curbside trash pick up. Consider adding a compost bucket in your kitchen to enrich your flower beds or organic garden. You may want to consider installing a rain collection barrel to help with watering your plants and garden. Go a step further and process the gray water from your sinks, showers, and tubs to reduce the need for water resources for your shrubbery. To take advantage of rain, you may choose to install a cistern for rain collection. Making choices and taking the time to add the necessary steps to your daily routine can change your status of being just a consumer to one that recycles at every opportunity you get.

Unlawful Disposal Warning

The recycling area is monitored, and Unlawful Disposal of other non-specified items by or in the recycle bins is unlawful and punishable under O.R.C. 3736.01 for littering.