Village Fall Leaves Cleanup

Mayor David Spencer and Village Administrator Ed Collins have officially opened the leaf dumpsters area for residents’ use at Werley Park. To ensure the proper use of these dumpsters, please note the following guidelines:
1. Leaf Only Policy: These dumpsters are designated for leaves exclusively. Please do not dispose of any other materials in them. Be aware that Improper disposal of other waste may be considered a violation of littering laws.
2. Bag and Container Removal: Prior to disposal, make sure all leaves are removed from plastic bags and any other containers.
3. Safety First: For safety reasons, we kindly request that there is no smoking within 50 feet of the dumpsters. Additionally, please ensure that children are kept at a safe distance from these disposal areas.
By adhering to these rules, we can maintain a clean and safe environment for all residents. Thank you for your cooperation.